A few words about

What We Do Exactly

We look for opportunities to help as many girls and young women as possible. We provide practical support where we can to whom we can.

We Provide Care

Our programs aim to boost the self-esteem and confidence of the individuals we target since they are very vulnerable young people.

Our Objectives 

You can choose which program or project you most want to support or you can just donate and leave it to us to target your support to where it is most needed.

You can also donate in kind by giving resources to SGI. This could be sanitary towels or panties or educational materials or other kinds of help that you have

Our Goals

  • Actively participate in empowering and improving the lives of girls, young mothers and women at large.
  • Advocating for and protecting, where possible, the rights of girls, young mothers and women at large.

  • To increase access for girls to adequate sanitary facilities and hygiene products to enable them to manage their menstrual cycles in a safe and healthy environment.

  • This includes to facilitate and finance acquisition of sanitary towels, reusable sanitary towels, pants, soaps, wash bags and towels for girls and young women

  • And by educating and building the capacity and raise awareness amongst teachers, students and community members (including men and boys) on menstruation

  • To educate the community on dangers facing young girls and young women including drugs, gender based violence, abuse and exploitation.

  • To support a number of girls’ in their education through a sponsorship program (at primary, secondary and tertiary levels if possible).

  • To provide reproductive health education to adolescent girls and young mothers and women at large and to provide the right information to young mothers on family planning.

To empower some young women through income generating activities.

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes